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Spire Music

My Kindness Shall Not Depart - VOCAL SOLO


My Kindness Shall Not Depart - VOCAL SOLO

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Product Description

My Kindness Shall Not Depart From Thee vocal solo sheet music, PDF format. Text and music by Rob Gardner. Vocal solo, piano accompaniment.


For a little while have I forsaken thee;
But with great mercy will I gather thee.
In a little wrath I hid my face from thee
For a moment
But with everlasting kindness will I gather thee,
And with mercy will I take thee ‘neath my wings.
For the mountains shall depart, 
And the hills shall be removed, 
And the valleys shall be lost beneath the sea, 
But know, my child, My kindness shall not depart from thee! 

Though thine afflictions seem at times too great to bear, 
I know thine every thought and every care. 
And though the very jaws of hell gape after thee, 
I am with thee. 
And with everlasting mercy will I succor thee, 
And with healing will I take thee ‘neath my wings. 
Though the mountains shall depart, 
And the hills shall be removed, 
And the valleys shall be lost beneath the sea, 
Know, my child, 
My kindness shall not depart from thee! 

How long can rolling waters 
Remain impure? 
What pow'r shall stay the hand of God? 
The Son of Man hath descended below all things. 
Art thou greater than He? 

So hold on thy way, for I shall be with thee. 
And mine angels shall encircle thee. 
Doubt not what thou knowest, fear not man, for he 
Cannot hurt thee. 
And with everlasting kindness will I succor thee, 
And with mercy will I take thee ‘neath my wings. 
For the mountains shall depart, 
And the hills shall be removed, 
And the valleys shall be lost beneath the sea, 
But know, my child, 
My kindness shall not depart from thee!

Text: Rob Gardner

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